

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843



十大菠菜台子's semester or year-long exchange at the 东英吉利大学. Study in  one of the best small cities in the world, Norwich, England. Less than two hours by train to London and located in the safest county in England, 东英吉利大学有15名学生,来自100多个国家的1000多名学生. Students are immersed in the culture of an interesting and beautiful region at a university that is a center of teaching excellence and world-leading research.

欲了解更多信息,请查看 东英吉利大学 video. 参观 东安格利亚大学网站.

课程: 15个学分. 开放大学教授的大多数领域都有课程. 

计划的日期: Fall semester September - December 2024, Winter semester January - May 2025

申请截止日期: March 1 for fall semester or academic year, October 1 for winter semester





交换学生 东英吉利大学 (UEA) study for a semester or a full academic year at a modern public research university in Norwich, 靠近英格兰中东部的北海海岸. UEA has about 20,000 students, of whom over 20% are international. 有着繁忙的社交和文化活动, 表演艺术, 现场音乐, 运动比赛, 学生节日, it is known as one of the liveliest university campuses in England.

Norwich, the largest city in the region of East Anglia, is two hours northeast of London. Famous for being the best-preserved medieval city in the United Kingdom, it has been voted the best place to live and work in the UK. The imposing Norwich Castle was constructed by William the Conqueror in the 11th century, and the nearby Norwich Cathedral is an exemplar of Norman architecture. Norwich is a center of Britain’s literary world and publishing industry, 2012年被联合国教科文组织选为文学之城. 它还以酿酒业而闻名, 几十年来,诺维奇一直以拥有365家酒吧而闻名, 一年中的每一天一个. It is the headquarters of BBC East, a major radio and television studio.


要求: 平均成绩不低于3分.0是必需的. Students who don’t meet the GPA requirement may still be eligible and should speak with OU’s 国际教育 Office prior to applying.

应用程序: In addition to completing an OU study abroad application on Horizons, 学生必须申请入读东英吉利大学. Directions for completing UEA’s online application are here. 十大菠菜台子 will nominate students to UEA when their study abroad applications have been accepted.

Exchange students may come from any major and select classes from throughout UEA’s catalog. Known especially for literature and cultural studies, UEA also has strong science programs. Past students have included three Nobel Prize-winners in the sciences or medicine as well as a co-inventor of the COVID vaccine. A long line of literary luminaries have studied at UEA, among them Kazuo Ishiguro, Ian McEwan, and W. G. 泽尔.

Exchange students may choose to study for either fall or winter semester or for the full academic year. 在秋季学期, classes end in December but some final exams are held in January, so students who will be returning to OU must make arrangements with their professors to complete them early or do them long-distance. Students typically take three courses (known in England as modules) per term, 每份价值20个英国学分或5个OU学分, 总共15个OU学分.


业务 students should be aware that most business modules last for the full academic year, so it is not possible to study business at UEA for just one semester. Almost all other modules outside of business are semester-long.

At the end of the semester, students receive a British transcript with grades on a scale of 0 to 100. OU converts these grades to American letter grades, which are added to students’ OU transcripts. Students should be aware that grading conventions in the UK are very different from America, and should not be discouraged by what they perceive as poor results. Grades of 70 and above are reserved for excellent work, and will receive an A at OU.


交换学生住宿 东英吉利大学校园的宿舍它曾被评为英国最好的餐厅. Most rooms are private studio apartments with shared cooking facilities or private bedrooms in four-person apartment suites. 所有房间都有高速无线网络. A smaller number of semester homestays with local host families are also available, while students in the dorms sometimes have the option of a weekend homestay.

UEA’s campus and residence halls have numerous cafeterias and dining options, encompassing cheap corner markets and buffet-style campus dining as well as high-end formal restaurants in the Sainsbury Centre. The Student Union is the hub of student life, and the menu at the 苏酒吧 offers everything from vegan jackfruit pizza to bacon double cheeseburgers – as well as over 20 beers on tap.

East Anglia is home to a large international population and offers cuisine from around the world. Local specialties include Norfolk black turkey, crab roux on toast, and chili mussels with samphire.



You will be charged for these credits on your eBill at your normal rate of tuition.


You will need additional funds for these expenses not covered by program fee. 数额是估计的.

  • 机票:1200美元
  • 住房:2400美元
  • 餐:1500美元
  • 当地交通:400美元
  • 东英吉利大学健康附加费:$100
  • 个人杂费:2000美元
  • 护照(如果你没有护照):175美元
  • 书籍和用品:200美元

Please note: For students staying for a full academic year, 不包括在上述额外费用中的有:签证432美元,  东英吉利大学健康附加费$100 

奖学金和经济援助: You are able to use financial aid to cover your full cost of attendance to this program (tuition, 项目费用及额外费用). Scholarships are also available through your study abroad application.