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The 内部审计 Department (IAD) provides an array of financial and business services to the university community. The core services are audits, financial and internal control consulting, and fraud investigation. Additional information for each service is provided for your review.

Auditing Services:

Financial Audits
Evaluate the adequacy of internal controls over revenue, expenses and assets of an organizational unit. Includes issuing an opinion on whether the financial statements fairly present the financial position of an organizational unit or program's results.

Operational Audits
Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency in which an organizational unit performs its core duties and responsibilities. Includes ascertaining if results are consistent with management's objectives and operations are carried out as planned.

Compliance Audits
Review of both financial and operating controls to evaluate compliance with established university policies and procedures, 法律, 规定, 或合同.

Follow-up Audits
These are limited scope reviews to verify management has implemented corrective action for a recommendation made during a previous audit. This audit is conducted within 6 months of the initial audit report.

Consulting Services

内部审计 commonly addresses a variety of issues concerning Oakland University policies, procedures and internal controls as questions arise.

On a limited basis these services also include:

  • Assistance on evaluation of computer backup procedures
  • Assistance in evaluating computer system controls

Investigative Reviews

These reviews are done to investigate incidents of possible fraud or misappropriation of university assets. The 内部审计 Department works closely with the president, senior-level management, the General Counsel's Office and the OU Police Department.


West Vandenberg Hall, Room 125
502 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester,, MI 48309-4452